I have always been into physical activity. From softball to dance to lifting weights... in like swimwear. I started dance classes at age 8, softball at age 10, and loved recess and physical education classes. I didn’t pick up weights until I was 21, but I’ve developed a passion like no other for it. The way I feel as a physically fit female is amazing. I’m stronger than the average woman. I like to break stereotypes. I like to show men that we are just as bad-ass (if not more bad-ass) than them.
I feel beautiful. I feel accomplished. I feel confident. Taking care of the one body I have is so important to me. When you take care of your body I swear it’ll make you love more about life. You’ll do better at your job, you’ll have better friendships, you’ll have better relationships, and all around you’ll be a happier person. We have one life, so why would you not want to live your best freakin' life?
Train with Shay and let’s be the best version of ourselves, TOGETHER.